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Horrors of Intimacy and Five Strategies for Staying Safe in RelationshipExtra Special Double Report:
The Horrors of Intimacy with
Five Strategies for Staying Safe in Relationship

Value: $250 or more! Your cost: $11.99
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We are so pleased you are considering this Extra Special Double Report on The Horrors of Intimacy and Five Strategies for Staying Safe in Relationship - our first official publication! This information is so necessary in our world today, and we just know you will benefit from it.

Extreme Value

Each report is worth hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars - not to mention eons of valuable time! (Just think how much you would have saved by avoiding that disastrous relationship last year!)

But we are not here to make money - we're here for YOU! So this Extra Special Double Report is available to you at the rock-bottom single-report price of $11.99!

Don't wait - order now!

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From a satisfied customer:

"I was in a happy marriage until I read your report, but the danger signs woke me up! I'm starting divorce proceedings tomorrow. There's just too much to lose in a relationship. If nothing else, he'll die someday and then I'll be REALLY bummed out. Might as well cut my losses now. Thank you so much for opening my eyes."

Relationships - they’re everywhere: your family, the teller at the bank, your childhood friends. You can’t get away from them and yet, let’s face it: they are the source of much of life’s misery and suffering.

This Extra Special Double Report has two parts:

Part I: The Horrors of Intimacy

The essential resource! Be a step ahead of the game with our frank, informative report detailing 13 of the inescapable horrors in store for you in the all-too-often regrettable realm of relationships, such as:

Designed especially to help those who have not found the satisfaction in relationship that they had hoped for, and are wondering why; but useful for anyone who is in any kind of relationship or wishes to be.

Part II: Five Strategies for Staying Safe in Relationship

Useful for everyone - except possibly hermits! Building off The Horrors of Intimacy, Part II outlines 5 easy ways you can ameliorate the pain and suffering that can come from intimacy, with specific real-life applications.

Learn how to "play it cool," "take their inventory," "review your potential losses," and "withdraw/avoid/ignore."  And our fifth strategy is a sure winner when even these tried and true techniques fail!


Even if you can’t avoid being in relationship,
can protect yourself from the worst of it.

As always, we’re here to help!

The Horrors of Intimacy and
Five Strategies for Staying Safe in Relationship

Value: $250 - $500,000 or more!
Your price: $11.99

and Download Now